Bounce rate and exit rate metrics in Google Analytics are often used interchangeably. But they are not the same thing.
Bounce rate is the percentage of single page GA sessions in which a person leaves your website from the landing page (entry page) without browsing any further. Whereas exit rate is the percentage of exits on a page.
Bounce rate applies to the entry page (the first page a person visits when he lands on your website). Whereas, exit rate applies to the exit page (the page from which a visitor leaves your website).
In the case of the exit rate, it is not necessary for a visitor to leave the website from the entry page. He may have browsed a lot of web pages prior to his exit.
At a glance
To understand the difference between Exit Rate and Bounce Rate for a particular page, keep the following points in mind:
- For all pageviews to the page, Exit Rate is the percentage that were the last in the session.
- For all sessions that start with the page, Bounce Rate is the percentage that were the only one of the session.
- Bounce Rate for a page is based only on sessions that start with that page.