Learn GA by experimenting its features with real business data

Web Analytics

The Google Analytics demo account is a fully functional Google Analytics account that any Google user can access. It’s a great way to look at real business data and experiment with Google Analytics features.

Access the demo account

To access the demo account, click the ACCESS DEMO ACCOUNT link at the end of this section. When you click the link:

  • If you already have a Google account, you are prompted to log in to that account.
  • If you do not have a Google account, you are prompted to create an account and then log in.

When you click the ACCESS DEMO ACCOUNT link below, you agree to let Google perform one of two actions related to your Google account:

  • If you already have a Google Analytics account, we will add the demo account to your Analytics account.
  • If you do not have a Google Analytics account, we will create one for you in association with your Google account, and then add the demo account to your new Analytics account.

The demo account is available from the account selector in Analytics where you select organization and account links.

The demo account counts against the maximum number of Analytics accounts you are permitted to create under a single Google account. The current maximum for Google Analytics Standard is 100 Analytics accounts per Google account.

You can remove the demo account at any time.


Where the data comes from

The data in the Google Analytics demo account is from the Google Merchandise Store, an ecommerce site that sells Google-branded merchandise. The data in the account is typical of what you would see for an ecommerce site, and includes the following kinds of information:

  • Traffic source data Information about where website users originate. This includes information about organic traffic, paid search traffic, and display traffic.
  • Content data Information about the behavior of users on the site. This includes the URLs of pages that users look at, and how they interact with page content.
  • Transaction data Information about the transactions that occur on the Google Merchandise Store website.

Ways to use the demo account

Because the demo account shows actual data from an ecommerce website, it is useful for exploring Google Analytics reports and features. Here are a few things you can do using the demo account:


All users have Read & Analyze access to the Google Analytics Demo Account. This means that you can see report and configuration data; can manipulate data within reports (e.g., filter a table, add a secondary dimension, create a segment); can create personal assets like annotations and share them, and see shared assets. You cannot collaborate on shared assets.

To learn more about user permissions, read the the section on user management in this help center.

Some data in the demo account is obfuscated, but is still typical of an ecommerce site.

The demo account does not include the User Explorer report.

You cannot use the demo account with the Analytics Reporting API. Attempts to do so result in a permissions error: (403) insufficientPermissions.

Remove access to the demo account

To remove your access to the demo account, follow the steps below. You can always get access to the demo account again.

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. In the ACCOUNT menu, select Demo Account.
  4. In the ACCOUNT column, click User Management.

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