Test – cross domain tracking – gtag

1- TESTS: Ensighten gtag Origin domain: adops.cloud [this site] Destination domain: ladydata.uk & datacurious.uk testing -click on this utl that includes gclid paramters and then click on destination domains. on the destination domain check also first party cookies: gcl_dc, gcl_aw 1- https://adops.cloud/tracking/test-cross-domain-tracking-gtag/?gclid=Test21473462378-Testing 2- https://adops.cloud/tracking/test-cross-domain-tracking-gtag/?campaignid=test&gclid=CjwKCAjw_JuGBhBkEiwA1xmbRZmKZ6ShpfQTz7oa-q3x4RjL2o3dlyHJ8uE3ysbKvT7_rEGWK3BuWhoCiCgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://datacurious.uk/ [manual implementation – gtag.js is configured to check for linker […]

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How Cookiebot integrates with Google Consent Mode

Cookiebot integrates with Google Consent Mode. Don’t have a Cookiebot account yet? Sign up for your free trial today to take advantage of our powerful integration! With Cookiebot’s integration to the Google Consent Mode you can respect the privacy choices of end users with minimal impact on your website’s ad-based revenue stream, analytics and more.  If you’re already using Google gtag.js or […]

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So, how does Google Consent Mode work?

Google Consent Mode is an API that lets your website make all of Google’s services run based on user consent, i.e. making the consent state of your users be the determining factor for how Google’s tags and scripts behave on your website. Google Consent Mode introduces two new tag settings that will manage cookies for analytics and advertisement purposes […]

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GA – Collect campaign data with custom URLs

Add parameters to URLs to identify the campaigns that refer traffic. By adding campaign parameters to the destination URLs you use in your ad campaigns, you can collect information about the overall efficacy of those campaigns, and also understand where the campaigns are more effective. For example, your Summer Sale campaign might be generating lots of revenue, but if […]

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